Variable Speed Drives => Variable Speed Pulleys => Motor Bases
Motor Bases
Motor bases are used to adjust the centre distance between a Manually adjustable pulley and a Spring adjustable pulley in order to change the speed.
European Motor Bases
The "COMPATTA" and "VAREX" motor bases can be employed in various fields for complete satisfaction of the user. Very solid, long life and precision in performance, even in critical working conditions, are their main characteristics. The simple and functional design is suitable and reliable for every sort of application and allows quick tensioning adjustment avoiding modifications in the transmission components alignment. SIT motor bases are designed to fit metric motor frames.
Brand:- SIT
Slide Rails
This new range of universal slide rails "LINEA" (made of galvanized steel) allows the mounting and adjustment of all types of electric motors in almost all positions. The very strong construction of the "LINEA" slide rails and the special fixing elements allow all types of combinations by the positioning of the adjusting threaded elements.
Brand:- SIT
American Motor Bases
It is necessary to change the distance between the motor and driven shaft in order to change speed with an adjustable center drive. The best way to do this is with an adjustable motor base. Lovejoy motor bases are designed to fit NEMA motor frames. Lovejoy offers four basic types of motor bases to satisfy requirements of space, convenience, interchange-ability, motor frame size, and economy.
Brand:- Lovejoy