Couplings => Overload Couplings => Jaw In Shear

Jaw In Shear

Overload couplings preform a critical role in saving the rest of the drive components when an unexpected overload occurs. Some overload couplings will slip or drop our when the overload happens and then start driving again once the overload has been removed. While others will sacrifice the element at the time of overload, once the element has been replaced the machine will be operational once again.

Jaw In Shear

The spider is non-fail-safe and thus acts as a fuse to prevent equipment damage in the event of torque overloads. It is radially removable, meaning that neither hub (or driver/driven equipment) has to be moved to replace the spider. This saves time and money in maintenance costs. The retaining ring which encloses the In-Shear Spider has 6 Pins which slide into grooves in the perimeter of the spider and twist-lock into place. It will not work its way loose and since there are no fasteners, maintenance/removal of the spider takes only a few minutes.  
This coupling uses the standard L-Type and C-Type Jaw Coupling hubs. Existing applications using in-compression spiders can simply be retrofitted with the new In-Shear Spider if the features are beneficial. The Jaw In-Shear spider is made from Urethane and has different power ratings to the standard jaw coupling. It also uses different service factors.


Brand:- Lovejoy