Variable Speed Drives => Variable Speed Pulleys => Spring Adjustable

Spring Adjustable

Spring adjustable pulleys allow you to adjust the speed without stopping the machine. They can be used in conjunction with fixed pulleys with an adjustable centres or with a Manually Adjustable pulley on with fixed centres. These are available from 4 different suppliers Lovejoy, Miki Pulley, SIT and Hi-Lo.

One Side Movable pulleys

As the name suggests, for one side moveable pulleys only one side of the pulley moves as the speed is being adjusted. These pulleys can be used in conjunction with Manually Adjustable Pulleys or with fixed grooved pulleys in order to adjust the speed.


Brand:- Lovejoy, Miki Pulley & Hi-Lo

Two Side Movable - Springs on one side

As the name suggests, both flanges on the pulleys move as the speed is being adjusted. All of the springs are on one side of the unit. These pulleys can be used in conjunction with Manually Adjustable Pulleys or with fixed grooved pulleys in order to adjust the speed.


Brand:- Lovejoy, Miki Pulley & Hi-Lo

Two Side Movable - Springs on both sides

As the name suggests, for both flanges on the pulleys move as the speed is being adjusted. The springs are on both sides of the unit. These pulleys can be used in conjunction with Manually Adjustable Pulleys or with fixed grooved pulleys in order to adjust the speed.


Brand:- Lovejoy, SIT, Miki Pulley & Hi-Lo